OasisMobile for Online and Offline Environment

OasisMobile provides true learning on the go, regardless if the learner is connected to the internet or not. This is critical when your learning content is rich in multi-media, a smooth user experience is desired, and your learner are constantly … Read More

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Visual Walk-through: Question Series Learner Experience

This visual walk-through shows the learner experience when taking an exam with question series.  

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Visual Walk-through: How to setup Question Series

This visual walk-through shows how to setup an exam with question series.

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Self Assessment Exam with OasisMobile

E-learning has become an integral part of training programs across various industries, and the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) has revolutionized the way we learn and acquire new skills. LMS platforms are designed to simplify the learning process and … Read More

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Feature Enhancement: Custom Quizzing

Some SelfAssessment exams can contain 100 or 200 questions, covering a variety of topics and learning objectives, and has been universally accepted as a great tool for learners to verify their knowledge.  However, study after study have shown that, knowledge is better … Read More

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Illinois Office of Comptroller launches IDROP Learning Portal with Oasis

We are ecstatic to announce that, Illinois Office of Comptroller (IOC) has launched IDROP Learning Portal with OasisLMS today. Since the initial install of Oasis in March, Oasis team has worked closely with IOC to integrate IDROP Learning Portal with their existing … Read More

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Feature Enhancement: Personalized Study Guide

Often times, an organization’s SelfAssessment effort ends at the exam launch.  After the exam is launched, all the focus shift to supporting the exam administration, and preparing for the next version of SelfAssessment exam.  If this is the approach your organization … Read More

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OasisMobile updated for iOS8

Whenever a new version of iOS comes out, iPhone/iPad lovers everywhere rejoice.  Well, everywhere except our office, where Oasis engineering team members are working around the clock to ensure OasisMobile compatibility with the new version of iOS.  And this year is … Read More

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Feature Brief: Learning mode vs Examination mode

One of our clients asked about the exact difference between Learning mode vs Examination mode within OasisLMS, so I am putting up a blog so we can reference it in the future. When an exam is configured for Learning mode, the … Read More

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Leveraging LMS for Responsible Gambling Education

E-learning has transformed various industries by providing accessible and efficient ways to acquire new skills and knowledge. One niche where this transformation is particularly impactful is responsible gambling education. Integrating Learning Management Systems (LMS) with responsible gambling practices can significantly … Read More

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